Supervision for Fed-Up Dietitians

Tired of the endless cycle of hustle, burnout, rinse, repeat?

Doubting yourself in your work thanks to imposter thoughts and comparisonitis?

Frustrated by societal pressures to look, act, and eat a certain way to be deemed “credible”?

As a dietitian, are you…

Feeling lost and alone in a profession that feels at odds with your values?

Try SUpervision!

Being a dietitian is hard, and the lack of support built into the profession is making it even harder.

Imagine having a confidential, compassionate, and collaborative space dedicated to your care as a practitioner, in relationship with a supervisor whose sole job is to show up for you the way that you show up for the communities you serve. 

There is no hierarchy here; no “expert” sitting on high telling you how you “should” be living your life as a dietitian. No, a supervisor’s job is not to instruct or correct; it is to accompany you as you process your most challenging professional situations. The end goal is not to “fix” you, because you are not broken.

It is to awaken your clarity and alignment so that you feel more assured in your decisions, sustained in your work, and connected to your humanity.

Reflective supervision is designed to change that.

You deserve to feel seen, heard, and understood.

$108 USD

Empowering Dietitians 1:1 Supervision Sessions

no fancy packages or complicated bundles.

single, 1-hour virtual sessions

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My self-study course for dietitians, "abundance," is a beautiful complement to 1:1 supervision!

Abundance Add-On

Plus, the course is worth 24 CEUs and satisfies the CDR ethics requirement. Click below to learn more and purchase the course to coincide with our work together.

Yes Please!

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Ready to say FU hustle culture?

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Common FAQs

First and foremost, supervision isn’t only for dietitian business owners! I’ve supervised dietitians who work in private practice, group practices, clinical, government positions, community clinics, and more. Plus, coaches in general tend to emphasize your career or business as the primary focus, whereas I center you as a dietitian and human being in supervision sessions. And lastly, coaching implies that the coach has all the knowledge and power, and they’re here to hand you all the answers; reflective supervision is about us collaborating on your concerns and empowering you to come to the conclusions and decisions that feel best for you.

No, supervision is not a substitute for therapy, though it can feel therapeutic at times. It’s similar to how, if you work in a counseling-heavy role, your own work as a dietitian may feel therapeutic at times, but you as the practitioner know that it’s not the same. Some of my supervisees pair their work in supervision with mental health counseling to be able to explore their concerns and experiences through multiple lenses, but it isn’t a requirement.

- Madeline L

"It has empowered me to become a more confident and proficient dietitian."

Jess’ program truly lives up to its name — it has empowered me to become a more confident and proficient dietitian. I applied to work with Jess during a particularly challenging period in my life riddled with significant change and stress.

As the sole dietitian working in a new medical practice at the time, I was responsible for designing a nutrition program on top of seeing a full caseload of patients, studying for a professional certification exam, and serving as a preceptor for the first time in my career (among coping with several other personal and workplace struggles). I felt very isolated and overworked. Even though I was capable of managing what I had on my plate, I didn’t feel that way at all.

Jess changed that — she helped me break down all my responsibilities into achievable goals and provided me with professional resources and the individualized coaching support I needed to thrive. Participating in group calls with her other clients further expanded my network and allowed me to connect with like-minded RDs who similarly provided me with genuine feedback and support. In today’s fast-paced world, the role of a dietitian is ever-evolving. In order to keep up and stay sane, investing in Jess’ program is one of the best things you can do for yourself, no matter where you are in you career

Hear what dietitians are saying:

- Bre

 "I gained so much clarity and support"

Working with Jess was one of the best investments I've made in my career and business!

I was feeling all over the place and discouraged as a dietitian business owner, and through her supervision program, I gained so much clarity and support. I really appreciated the way she encouraged me to connect with my values to make decisions in my personal and professional life, as well as how she offered non-biased advice that I needed to hear.

I have much more self compassion, intentional direction, as well as a life outside my work now. Thanks so much, Jess! 


- Anafer B

"I can’t thank Jess enough for her support these past 3 months"

Working with Jess helped me to silence all the criticism and urgency that would consume me when I was starting my practice, and replace it with a much more supportive thought pattern.

I was listening to all the podcasts, and following all the IG's that were reminding me of me "to be myself in my business", "to not compare", etc. However, I think all of that just made me more confused.

Jess was brilliant at helping me to meet myself where I was and find what was right for me. Not only that, she modeled the counseling skills that I strive to practice with my clients, so... bonus! I can’t thank Jess enough for her support these past 3 months


- Renee M.

"Working with Jess was the missing piece I needed to be a confident practitioner."

Working with Jess was the missing piece I needed to be a confident practitioner.

She answered questions I didn't even realize I had, and helped me to really find my "RD voice".

Thanks to our work together, I now feel that I can fully support my clients in the best way possible!


- Reilly B.

"I highly recommend working with Jess if you're looking for an authentic supervisor who really gets it."

Jess was absolutely amazing during my time in her 1:1 Coaching program. I cannot recommend this program enough to new dietitians or RD2Be's who are unsure of where they want to be career wise.

Jess was extremely helpful and I never felt judgement from her. Jess is here purely to support you and I could truly tell she wanted the best for me. After working with Jess, I now feel confident about my career and less stress about my vision.

This coaching program was something I did not realize I needed at the time but truly believe it is one of the best things I have done for my career!”

- Katie R

"Working with Jess was so helpful for me as a new dietitian!"

Working with Jess was so helpful for me as a new dietitian!

I walked away from the program with a whole new set of tools for navigating my mindset, confidence, and skills in working with clients. She helped me clarify my future vision and goals while also providing strategies for working towards those goals that were tailored specifically to my life and needs.

Jess also helped increase my confidence in counseling clients, specifically within the intuitive eating realm. I highly recommend this program!

Hear what dietitians are saying:

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Ready to say FU hustle culture?

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About Jess

your guide

Jess Serdikoff is a NJ-based registered dietitian who runs the one-of-a-kind Empowering Dietitians Supervision Program for fellow dietitians feeling overwhelmed by burnout, imposter feelings, and paralyzing perfectionism. 

As a Type A perfectionist herself, Jess has used her own experience paired with her knowledge of counseling and behavior change to help her colleagues more clearly define their professional identities and values, set better boundaries, and build confidence in their work.

Dietitian, Are you ready for guidance and support?

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