Supervision for Fed-Up Dietitians

Tired of the endless cycle of hustle, burnout, rinse, repeat?

Doubting yourself in your work thanks to imposter thoughts and comparisonitis?

Frustrated by societal pressures to look, act, and eat a certain way to be deemed “credible”?

As a dietitian, are you…

Feeling lost and alone in a profession that feels at odds with your values?

Try SUpervision!

Being a dietitian is hard, and the lack of support built into the profession is making it even harder.

You deserve to feel seen, heard, and understood.

$108 USD

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Common FAQs

First and foremost, supervision isn’t only for dietitian business owners! I’ve supervised dietitians who work in private practice, group practices, clinical, government positions, community clinics, and more. Plus, coaches in general tend to emphasize your career or business as the primary focus, whereas I center you as a dietitian and human being in supervision sessions. And lastly, coaching implies that the coach has all the knowledge and power, and they’re here to hand you all the answers; reflective supervision is about us collaborating on your concerns and empowering you to come to the conclusions and decisions that feel best for you.

No, supervision is not a substitute for therapy, though it can feel therapeutic at times. It’s similar to how, if you work in a counseling-heavy role, your own work as a dietitian may feel therapeutic at times, but you as the practitioner know that it’s not the same. Some of my supervisees pair their work in supervision with mental health counseling to be able to explore their concerns and experiences through multiple lenses, but it isn’t a requirement.

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Hear what dietitians are saying:

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