an empowering dietitians


Easing into the Fall Equinox

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September 21st 2023, 7pm ET    Equity Pricing Available

How different would it feel to be able to lean into the cycles and seasons of your life, instead of trying to barrel ahead in spite of them?

That means most dietitians are fighting against their natural rhythms while working.

The average work day is designed around male hormone cycles, yet 92% of dietitians identify as women.

If you want to adopt a radically different approach to your work and life...

The typical dietitian workday is b.s.

This workshop is for you.

The fall equinox workshop will show you how to...

You are a cyclical being, dietitian.
It's time to lean in.


for the end of the year with intention so that you can end 2023 with confidence, in alignment with your values


the bountiful, abundant harvests in your life, relationships, and goals


the hustle & bustle of fall in our society with savoring the season's slower, more reflective energy

Let's face it - Fall, in our society, can feel like chaos. In the blink of an eye, our schedules fill both in and out of work as we return from summer vacation (either literally or in spirit). This workshop will help ease that transition, and infuse intention into your goals and decisions before you get swept up in the hustle culture of fall.

Join us for more information on seasonal living, paired with journaling prompts and reflection time to make this practice, and this coming season, your own.

The fall equinox is celebrated when the length of day and night meet, before the days begin to shorten heading toward winter. This is the transition that happens within and around us, from the high energy of summer to the coziness of fall.

About the Fall (Autumnal) Equinox

(Psst! Are you a southern hemisphere dietitian? Purchase a recording of our Spring Equinox workshop HERE instead!)

Replay provided to all registrants if you can’t attend live.

Suggested: $18 USD
Equity: $9 USD
Pay-It-Forward: $27 USD

Pay What You Can

Register Here!

September 21st 2023  |  7-8 pm ET

"This was AMAZING!! just what I needed to ground myself."

"Thank you so much Jessica, this was so helpful and powerful!"

read what past workshop participants have to say:

"Loved leaning into this perspective."

'This reflection felt great and relaxing."

"This practice was fantastic!"

About Jess

your guide

Jess Serdikoff is a NJ-based registered dietitian who runs the one-of-a-kind Empowering Dietitians Supervision Program for fellow dietitians feeling overwhelmed by burnout, imposter feelings, and paralyzing perfectionism. 

As a Type A perfectionist herself, Jess has used her own experience paired with her knowledge of counseling and behavior change to help her colleagues more clearly define their professional identities and values, set better boundaries, and build confidence in their work.

Learn how to cultivate a schedule & life that works for you.

let's do this

Register Here!

...and say hello to autumn!